This list shows local companies offering Stretch Limousine (Limo) - with a driver from the area of Châteauneuf-Grasse, France
In Châteauneuf-Grasse the following vehicle categories are still available:
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Limousine Center customers said
We had a celebration and ordered the stretch limo, driver was on time, Champayne on ice , sparkling glasses, we had a return car booked and we moved our return time twice. As we were not finished in the restaurant , this was not a problem for the driver. On our journey back the lights of different colours were flashing in the car, and we all had a singalong to the CD player in the car. There was 8 passengers and cost wise it wasn't too much more than having two cabs, but we did it all together with Champers, and in style.
We have a V Class Mercedes Benz last model, black with leather and tinted windows. 7 people + chauffeur
Airport transfer, business trip, sightseeing...Welcome on the french riviera. Nicolas