This list shows local companies offering Sedan Limousine, Luxury limousine, Minivan, Minibus, Vintage/classic car and Coach - with a driver from the area of Grimbergen, Belgium
Currently we have 78 partner companies in Grimbergen, 36 are reliable for your needs.
In Grimbergen the following vehicle categories are still available:
Our Fleet comprises of Mercedes E Class, S Class, BMW 7 series, Mercedes V Class, Mercedes Vito and Buses.Our chauffeurs are experienced and are all dressed with suit, tie and classic shoes.
Belgium Limousine Services is a company specialising in chauffeur-driven limousine rentals founded in 1986.Our vehicle fleet is modern and diverse, and our vehicles are available 24/7
We provide for all quality transportations with business cars and professionnal drivers in Brussels, in Belgium and nearby.
Fleet: Limousine (sedan car), Minivan
Registered partner
Carpe Diem Limousine Service
Carpe Diem Limousine Service is the must in Belgium, and in the north of France to rent a limousine with driver. We have some limousines XXL, luxury car (as the New Mercedes S-Class)and mini vans 8 pa