This list shows local companies offering Sedan Limousine, Luxury limousine, Stretch Limousine (Limo), Minivan, Minibus and Vintage/classic car - with a driver from the area of Pennes Mirabeau, France
Currently we have 30 partner companies in Pennes Mirabeau, 14 are reliable for your needs.
In Pennes Mirabeau the following vehicle categories are still available:
Black Pearl offers you a complete range of luxury vehicles (Vans, sedans) in order to meet customer requests. We have Mercedes Van V-Class, E-Class Sedan, S-Class
Fleet: Limousine (sedan car), Minivan, Minibus, SUV
Professional driver, we have comfortable and recent vehicles, equipped with all the options for your transfer. We will be happy to offer you a great experience
Fleet: Limousine (sedan car), Minivan
Registered partner
SSK Dreamliner
Fleet: Limousine (sedan car), Luxury limousine, Minivan, SUV